
JustALevel is a Massive Open Online Course plat­form for the A-Level Computer Science cur­ricu­lum in the United Kingdom. I led the de­vel­op­ment of the pro­ject af­ter se­cur­ing a £50,000 con­tract from the U.K. Government with the founders of Code at Uni.

Working closely with an­other en­gi­neer, I built a learn­ing plat­form with a Content Management System, a test ad­min­is­tra­tion sys­tem and in­di­vid­ual stu­dent progress track­ing, along with other bells and whis­tles. The plat­form was used and en­joyed by thou­sands of stu­dents ac­cross the United Kingdom that were study­ing for their A-level ex­ams. All the con­tent is orig­i­nal and made by Code at Uni. The pro­mo­tional video (seen above) even went vi­ral, gar­ner­ing 500,000 views.

Despite some early suc­cess, the pro­ject is in main­te­nance mode, and is not be­ing ac­tively de­vel­oped or pro­moted. The code is not cur­rently open source, and the ex­ist­ing web­site only has some of the fea­tures of the orig­i­nal ver­sion.